Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A Letter

Dear Readers,
Yesterday I went to the park. What a time I had! Feeding the ducks was so fun, especially when they nibble the ends of your fingers with their rubbery beaks. Have you ever felt duck down? To touch it is so soft! No wonder the mothers never break their eggs keeping them warm.
I find that going to the park is one of my favorite pastimes. You can always smell the daisies during springtime, especially after it has rained. And when the wind blows your hair back, creating loud ripples in the water, you can shut your eyes and pretend you’re sailing in a storm.
Yesterday it rained in the morning, so the grass was damp when I went to the park. The ducks seem to enjoy the rainy weather; I can’t imagine why. One of the mother ducks hatched her eggs while I was there. It is so funny to see them so young. They look like little dandelions floating in the pond.
After I fed them the last of the bread, it began to rain again. My umbrella was left at home, so I had to use the bread wrapper as a shield against the cold drops. Needless to say Mother was not happy when I came back home, sopping and muddy.
So as you can see, I had so much fun. I’m looking forwards to my next trip tomorrow. Mother wouldn’t let me go today, seeing as it was pouring this morning. She says that I’ll catch a chill in this weather, but I think she just doesn’t like me spending so much time with my duck friends.
Write back soon. I look forwards to hearing about your eventful days.

The Author

(Please note that this letter was constructed by me, using my imagination only. I did not actually do the things in this letter.)

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